1 definition by DartmouthRevealed

1. Bro + Overtone
2. A rare fish found in the Great Barrier Reef
3. A small weasel-like rodent, often rabid
4. A foreign delicacy, often used as an hors d'oeuvre.
5. A relic often found in ancient Egyptian pyramids.
6. A member of said a cappella group at Dartmouth College
1. "Hey, look at that chill dude, he's making some sort of sweet music."
"Yeah man, he's making Brovertones."
2. "Hey, while we're in Australia, we should definitely go fishing for some Brovertones"
3. "The wild Brovertone is a rare sight, but don't let it get too close - it bites."
4. "Do you have any Brovertones at the party?"
5. "Wow, look at this Brovertone Indiana Jones found - it's huge!"
6. "Let's go see the Brovertones - they're awesome!"
by DartmouthRevealed February 16, 2009
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