5 definitions by Darkpower_King/MegaDeath11

Daben Duben: This word is used to fill up the awkward silence during a conversation or to lighten the mood
Person 1: Hey man how's it going?
Person 2: Nothing much wbu

Person 1: Nothing

Person 2: Oh daben duben daben duben
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Something that you can say all the time except around black people because they will go bonkers and band together and beat you to death
Jack: You are not him.
Jack: You are not him.
Jack2: I AM HIM NIGGER. (specifically screams Nigger)
*Black people band together and go crazy*

Jack2: oh shit.... move nigga *sprints like black wide receiver*
*Jack watches jack2 get gang raped by black clan*
Jack: that's what you get now NIGGER
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Joe Biden is a President who got elected in 2020 and started a war between Russia and Ukraine. He also made gas prices go up to crazy numbers. Joe Biden also is the dumbest president ever who rigged the election of 2020 because Donald Trump was going to surpass joe biden and he was like no cuh.
Person 1: These Gas Prices are so f*cking high, how am I going to feed my children?
Person 2: Blame it on the people who voted for Joe Biden.
by Darkpower_King/MegaDeath11 March 24, 2022
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The guy who let 300 people get injured watched 8 people die and did his home country dance the "the robot" while a dead person was being carried out by paramedics officially the worlds biggest cunt
Dude did you hear about Travis Scott he is a selfish dumb idiot ya know astroworld
by Darkpower_King/MegaDeath11 November 12, 2021
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