3 definitions by Darkninja

When a girl puts her yeast infection pus in a man's mouth as an act of sexual intent.
I sourdoughed my girlfriend yesterday, my tongue turned yellow afterwards.
by Darkninja October 15, 2012
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This is the only day that you are allowed to nut during NNN so get as many nuts on this day as possible. Verified by the NNN Police to contact the NNN Police call 321-337-6557 or send “verify”.
Nov 10 Annual Nut Day is the best day in November
by Darkninja November 8, 2019
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a male/female who enjoys sucking a mans penis so much tht they practicaly worship them see cock sucker
bob:james i know your a cock worshipper but you cant be into cocks that much
james: i am! only last night i sucked bens cock so hard that he spunked 4 times i even have an altar to the king cock
by Darkninja February 9, 2007
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