1 definition by Dark Wolf 136

Beautiful place in the Western North Carolina Mountains where over 15,000 people live (college students not included-there are 9,000 of them and they wouldn't account for all the growth the area had between 2000 and 2010) and it is home to Western Carolina University.

Unfortunately, there is little else here, except a strange K-8 School, recreation park, fire department, post office, decrepit downtown area next to the river, and a couple of Gas Stations, only two of them, however, are open, and the Huddle House inside the building of the one directly in Cullowhee is rarely open for some reason.

It isn't all bad, though. There are plans to revitalize Downtown Cullowhee and make it worthy of the town. I don't like everything about Cullowhee, but since I live here I have come to love it. The town has a very multicultural background, as people come from all over the world to Western Carolina University to teach. There are also wonderful, beautiful mountains around the Cullowhee area. To top it off, a River runs through it, along with a bunch of beautiful creeks. Cullowhee is a beautiful place that can be only appreciated by those who appreciate it's natural beauty. There is also Judaculla Rock, which by-the-way, makes this place awesome, because it is such a weird rock with strange carvings all over it.
Cullowhee University Town Western Carolina University Mountain Communities Small Towns Strange Places Judaculla Rock
by Dark Wolf 136 March 7, 2012
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