4 definitions by Dankulous Memeulon

Abbreviation of 'cracked out', popularized by League of Legends streamer/youtuber Trick2g, generally used to refer to players or game mechanics that are 'cracked out', which is to say extremely skilled or powerful (in the case of the player) or very powerful or even overpowered (in case of video game mechanics e.g. League of Legends champions). Generally stated after the completion of an extremely advantageous or skillful play performed in-game. May or may not be screamed.
*Trick2g defeats his opponent in League of Legends*
by Dankulous Memeulon April 24, 2021
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An immutable law of both the internet and the real world

As the name implies, this phrase is used to remind us of an absolute fact: Leftists and their shills CANNOT meme, and any attempt by them to do so ends up as either cringe-worthy and biased propaganda, or so cancerously inaccurate to the original meme format that it is made painfully obvious that they are either a normie or a shill.

This law only proves itself time and time again, as while right wing chads and even centrist betas can produce good memes effortlessly, leftists, like Tana Mongoose sucking black cock, just can't help themselves, and will at every opportunity attempt to litter their pitiful meme attempts with bias and undeserved righteous indignation.

A possible cause of this is perhaps a leftist's despicable attempts to stay politically correct, like all cucks, and thus they cannot, by their vary nature, produce memes without fear of offending a minority who couldn't care either way. Another explanation may be that, at least for the moment, the right has a high level of meme material in the God Emperor and other meme-worthy figures, while the left simply lacks these heroes on their side, and can only copy the right's healthy meme stock, producing shallow and weak memes with no power at all.

But the most likely explanation is simply this: Leftists have no sense of humour.
Man 1: "Hey, my dude, I just made a meme about Pepe, but then some leftist stole it, and not only removed the joke and replaced it with biased, propaganda filled hyperbole, they also replaced Pepe with Shillary because he's apparently a 'hate symbol'."
Man 2: "Well that sucks, my dude."
Man 1: "Nah my dude, his meme bombed and is getting loads of downvotes. I guess he deserved it for making such a bad meme."
Man 2: "Well you know what they say my dude, the Left can't meme."
by Dankulous Memeulon March 15, 2018
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Creator of the top definition here. Wanted to try and clarify my older definition now that it's been mulling over for everyone a while now, and clear up some misunderstandings. So here we go.

The Left Can't Meme is indeed an immutable fact. But why does it occur? Well the statement has never been an attempt to 'politicize meme culture' as some, left leaning or otherwise, try to posit. It is in fact the opposite. The Left Can't Meme is rather an attempt to POINT OUT the needless politicizing of memes, it being done the majority of the time by left leaning people. The Left Can't Meme as a statement, as a law, has never been about making the case of memes needing to be 'The Left vs The Right', it has always been a defiant declaration of 'The Left vs Everybody, including normal leftists who just want to look at memes'. Do cringy, politically-charged, righteously indignant memes come from people other than Leftists? Yes of course, but the vast, VAST majority of the time when there's a meme that looks like something straight out of a politician's propaganda folder, it's a Leftist who made it. The problem with this law is that it simply will never stop being true, because there will always be people who see memes as a platform for their own righteous indignance, rather than the symbol of humour they were meant to be.

The only thing to be done is for normal people with a sense of humour to point out these political memes and denounce them for what they are: Cringe.
Leftist: >Makes cringe political meme
Rightist: >Makes cringe political meme
Normal human: "These are both equally bad. The Left Can't meme"
by Dankulous Memeulon September 16, 2023
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Someone who is so disliked in their average, everyday life by other English speakers that the idea of hearing anime characters speaking English makes their pathetic micropenises tremble with discontent. Arguments for this mindset from such 'people' consist of the following:
1. "It doesn't sound as emotional as the sub." - Nonsense, since it's way easier to feel the emotional weight of a line when it's in a language you speak. Stating otherwise is mongoloidism of the lowest order.
2. "Some of it doesn't translate well." - That's why they change the original line to something more translatable i.e. changing a Japanese pun to an English one. Literally inaccurate.
3. "It's just my personal taste." - That's fine. Just don't make objective arguments when it's your subjective opinion.
The Sub Elitist Virgin
The Sub Preferrer Chad
The Dub Preferrer Chad
The 'Likes Both' Lad
by Dankulous Memeulon October 6, 2021
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