66 definitions by Dani

someone who gives a gift or something to a person n then wants it back
Stop being an indian giver.
by Dani March 23, 2005
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Someone who is not naturally blonde but rather uses a hair-dye to create the appearance of being blonde. Bottle Blonde's normally have nasty black re-growth which they seem to think looks chic.
You can spot a bottle blonde a mile away
by Dani November 26, 2004
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Is what police call people who flag them down while they are walking around or driving in their cars.
PERSON: "Yoo-Hoo, officer, I need some help over here!"
COP: "I hate yoo-hoos!"
by Dani February 8, 2006
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The ramifications of failing to wipe all the shit of your ass after taking a crap. Specifically, a "sticky" situation.
Shit, I got bodeg so bad, it's gonna rip a good chunk of my ass hairs off!
by Dani April 22, 2004
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You better shup before she hears you
by Dani January 26, 2005
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some of that
I want summat
by Dani May 22, 2003
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