185 definitions by Dancing with Fire

An extravagant exotic character, Xenia Onatopp makes a visually stunning villainess. Georgian, former Soviet fighter pilot, this seductive femme fatale enjoys killing, and where possible gets much pleasure out of strangling her lovers in the bedroom. Putting a seductive, sexually suggestive twist on most aspects, Xenia also enjoys fast cars, cigars and winning – something she becomes increasingly annoyed at when she loses to James Bond on a number of occasions.
Xenia Onatopp visits Bond's hotel where she tries to kill him using her favorite method – strangulation of her lover/victim with her thighs. After Bond gains the upper hand, he instructs her to take him to Janus.
by Dancing with Fire July 14, 2011
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Shinobu Sensui also known as Black Angel, was the main antagonist of the Chapter Black Saga in the anime Yu Yu Hakusho, as well as a former Spirit Detective in his youth, having been recruited by Koenma for his prodigious talents and his unequaled sense of right and wrong. Unlike his predecessor Younger Toguro, he has intelligence and strength, whereas Toguro's knowledge was only useful for fighting. He is generally polite (sarcastic politeness in his Minoru state), kind and honorable as he respects Yusuke's friend's wishes to avenge his supposed death. Shinobu also has guilt over killing others as he looks sullen after killing Yusuke and is irritated when he is forced to kill demons once again. He does regret the path he took as he blindly slew demons in the name of humanity, to which he discovered were just as cruel if not more so.
Shinobu Sensui also has multiple personalities. He developed six other personalities to carry his various burdens. He is also a master of Resshuken and he also knows how to use sacred energy which is a special type of energy that is said to be the purest and most-powerful kind, which Koenma calls the highest echelon of power. He also said that achieving the use of this type of power takes at least forty years of discipline and grueling training. But Sensui managed to cheat by dividing the forty year-training requirement amongst his other personalities, effectively managing to achieve this pinnacle in just six years. He then added that an extra requirement was that people had to be receptive to this power and possess a desire to correct the world around them, operating on a higher plane and transcending the physical realm, all of which were qualities that even Genkai did not have.

One of the most badass characters from Yu Yu Hakusho imo.
by Dancing with Fire June 21, 2011
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Ai, harmony. ki, spirit or energy. do, the path or the way. Aikido is the way of harmonizing the spirit. Aikido developed in the 1920s and 1930s as a synthesis of jujitsu, sword-, and spear-fighting. The founder, Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), combined the joint locks and throws of jujitsu with the body movements of sword- and spear-fighting. He ultimately settled on the name Aikido in 1942 to stress the deeper spirital foundation of the discipline. Ueshiba was a follower of new Japanese religion called Omotokyo, which mixes neo-Shintoism with socio-political idealism to create a harmonious "heavenly kingdom on earth." While this specific religious aspect does not influence Aikido as practiced by most Aikidoka, there at least two fundemental tenents: (1) a commitment to peaceful resolution of conflict whenever possible and (2) a commitment to self-improvement through aikido training.
The techniques of Aikido are circular in nature, and are not designed to stop attacks or to conflict with them. Instead, aggressive motions are converted into circular movements that render attackers helpless. Aikido techniques allow the attacker's movements to continue and complete themselves naturally, so that the attack is diverted and redirected harmlessly. The Aikidoist is trained not to cripple, but to apply various wrist and joint locks, pins, and unbalancing throws to neutralize aggressors without serious injury to either the aggressor or the Aikidoist. The movements are like the motions of a sphere which rolls effortlessly along, joining mind and body.
by Dancing with Fire December 30, 2011
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A militant Islamist organization, formed by Osama bin Laden in the 1990s, that has adopted takfiri doctrines and has declared jihad against all Westerners and their Muslim supporters.
al Qaeda is most known for their attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
by Dancing with Fire January 15, 2011
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Jelly-like gasoline enclosed in bombs dropped by an airplane. It sticks to whatever it lands on and burns for a long time.
A reported three quarters of all napalm victims in Vietnam were burned through to the muscle and bone (fifth degree burns). The pain caused by the burning is so traumatic that it often causes death.
by Dancing with Fire June 24, 2011
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A covert campaign run by the CIA to influence the media.
Starting in the early days of the Cold War (late 40's), the CIA began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters on the CIA payroll, which has proven to be a stunning ongoing success. The CIA effort to recruit American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda, was headed up by Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post). Wisner had taken Graham under his wing to direct the program code-named Operation Mockingbird and both have presumably committed suicide.
by Dancing with Fire October 28, 2013
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During the 1980s, Pablo Escobar became known internationally as the Medellin Cartel gained notoriety. The Medellín Cartel is said to have controlled roughly eighty percent of the shipments that entered into the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic with shipments brought mostly from Peru and Bolivia, as Colombian coca was initially of substandard quality. Escobar's product reached many other nations, mostly around the Americas, although it is said that his network reached as far as Asia.
Escobar bribed countless Colombian government officials, judges and other politicians, and he often personally executed uncooperative subordinates and had anyone he viewed as a threat assassinated, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of individuals. Corruption and intimidation characterized the Colombian system during Escobar's heyday. He had an effective, inescapable strategy that was referred to as plata o plomo; Spanish for "silver or lead", intended to mean "accept a bribe or face assassination." Escobar was also responsible for the killing of three Colombian presidential candidates who were all competing in the same election, as well as the bombing of Avianca Flight 203 and a Bogotá security building in 1989. The Medellin Cartel was also involved in a deadly war with its main rival, the Cali Cartel, for most of its existence.
by Dancing with Fire July 9, 2011
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