2 definitions by Dairy-Maid

A Jorge is someone who looks at his birth certificate wondering which parent managed to get it to say he was born in Oregon. He is a great swimmer, and light on his feet. Someone named Jorge will always radiate confidence, and wear showy tank tops because he likes the attention.

Sometimes Jorge gets angry; he was the inspiration behind the cloverfield monster, a being from across the sea that swims ashore and ravages everything. He can only be beaten by large doses of alcohol and short Eastern European women.

A Jorge is many things, and all of them are funny. He keeps his intelligence a secret, but he likes to blab. His maturity level ages in the same direction as Benjamin Button.

A Jorge is a key, he only fits one lock and only one lock is opened by him. He is a man loved unconditionally and the one for whom I wake each day inspired to make him smile.

I hope to marry a Jorge.
J.C.: "Roscoe, do you know how we got these ants??"

Roscoe: "Jorge. That's how you get ants."
by Dairy-Maid November 10, 2013
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Collective noun referring to the useless banner ads that decorate free web sites. The sites receive income by selling ad spaces to various smutty companies such as ambulence-chasing law firms, knock-off boutiques, etc. at the expense of web surfers' sanity.

The term "lava-ware" was coined because dodging these banners is comparable to walking across a room only stepping on objects that are not the floor because the floor is lava.

The danger of lava-ware is generally restricted to touch screen media such as tablets and smart phones where such banners can be difficult to avoid touching.

Lava-ware evolved from the pop-up technology that once plagued non-touch interfaces; those that persist today have adapted with very small and unreachable "x" buttons that serve to close thd window.
Hipster 1: "Bromandude, did you check the weather for tonight yet? If it's gonna rain I'm totes gonna rock the fedora, otherwise I'm hitting the town with my understated tipped quaff."

Hipster 2: "Sorry dudemanbro, I was scrolling through my gps radar from the local news page and super dissed my manicure on some lava-ware for snuggies."
by Dairy-Maid November 20, 2013
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