2 definitions by Daemon Alard

A lawsuit over something so ridiculous that you can't help but laugh at it.
McDonald's got slapped with a LOLsuit when some idiot failed to realize that coffee was hot.
by Daemon Alard July 25, 2008
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An act that is normally overlooked when committed by the average person, but causes an uproar due to celebrity status. Often this results in the cancellation of a monetary contract due to the bad publicity and the company's attempt to distance itself from the event.
After pictures of Michael Phelps smoking a bong circulated the internet, Kellog Co. chose not to renew their sponsorship contract with Phelps, citing that Phelp's behavior was not consistent with their corporate image - his failure to meet his responsorbility cost him dearly.
by Daemon Alard September 3, 2009
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