20 definitions by Daedalus

The act of dropping an unnessecary amount of med packs in the hope that one might come into contact with an injured marine.
Got med spam comm?
by Daedalus August 22, 2003
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1. A pastime of many major governments, particularly the United States of America.
2. Organized mass-murder.
3. A way of keeping the population down, the people receptive to propaganda, the rate of technological invention up, and unemployment down.
4. The opposite of peace.
5. A very common state of affairs, possibly due to mankind's seemingly inherent tendency to, when confronted with a problem, find someone to blame and proceed to bash their head in.
by Daedalus January 7, 2004
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Another necessary evil perpetrated by the government, which is itself a necessary evil. While many people disagree over just how much taxes they need to pay, it is stunningly obvious that we need to pay some taxes. Running the country, after all, isn't a part-time job.

The general reaction to taxes is high, usually because people are very attached to the small green slips of paper they call 'money.'
1: I'm a Democrat! I want higher taxes!
2: I'm a Republican! I want lower taxes!
3: I'm an Urban Dictionarian! I want no taxes!
by Daedalus January 7, 2004
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An attempt to understand the world around us through observation of natural phenomenon. One of the most important concepts in science is the scientific method - a series of steps designed to allow us to learn about our surrounding efficiently and without misunderstanding.

Science is also sometimes posed in opposition to religion. While the two are not necessarily incompatible, there are several points on which they disagree, and there is also a major difference in their underlying principles: Science fits the theory to the evidence. Religion fits the evidence to the theory.
Science allows us to learn about the world.
by Daedalus January 7, 2004
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1. Members of the species homo sapiens.

2. The members of the species homo sapiens taken as a group. While not the most numerous species either in individual number or in biomass, they consider themselves the dominant species of their planet, which the majority of them call "Earth." This claim is quite possibly justified, seeing as they have covered a great deal of it with their own constructions, never realizing that they are destroying many of the resources they depend upon in the process.

Many of them believe they were created by some sort of god, however, few agree upon exactly what form this god takes nor what his opinions on certain matters are.

Essentially, a bunch of mother fuckers who think they're leet haxors just because they've progressed so far that they have the nuclear capabilities blow up the Earth, and yet still can't manage to live on the same planet without starting a few hundred wars a year, consuming the natural resources they depend upon without heed for their future, mistreating each other for various superficial reasons such as race or ethnic group or in some cases for no reason at all, and continually complaining about the problems they've created for themselves.
1. Hey, look! Some humans!

2. Humans are pretty stupid, aren't they?
by Daedalus October 10, 2004
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dele spaffs @ i19 with betting slips and climaxed... what an asshat.
by Daedalus April 18, 2004
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1. A very intelligent inventor in Greek mythology who supposedly invented the labyrinth. He was subsequently imprisoned by King Minos of Crete, but escaped with his son Icarus by creating wings made of seagull feathers, wax, and string. Icarus, however, flew too close to the sun, and the wax melted - he fell to his death in the Ocean.

2. An Artificial Intelligence in the game Deus Ex: The Conspiracy. Created by Majestic 12 in order to identify terrorists, it identified Majestic 12 as a terrorist organization itself. Its predecessor was the Morpheus prototype, and it later joined with Icarus to form Helios. One method of winning the game was to join with the Helios AI.

3. Me.
Daedalus was extremely intelligent.
by Daedalus January 7, 2004
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