17 definitions by DaBunny

N. Someone who's detached from reality. Taken from slang nickname for the trolley in "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" used to go to the Land of Make-Believe.
Voter 1: "I think the Green Party will win the White House in '08!"

Voter 2: "Whoa...someone's really riding the magic bus."
by DaBunny June 3, 2005
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Slang evolving from pubescent gum chewing parties. It's an acronym for "Bring Your Own Bazooka". (Bazooka is a popular brand of chewing gum)
Kid 1: "You comin' to my chew party tomorrow?"
Kid 2: "For sure...what kind you got?"
Kid 1: "Screw that...it's B.Y.O.B."
by DaBunny June 3, 2005
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Adj. Someone who's almost very attractive but not quite. Contraction of "pretty foxy". Also shortened form of "appROXImately cute".
Mallrat 1: "That girl is HOTTT!"

Mallrat 2: "Not when shes get closer..she's just proxy".
by DaBunny June 3, 2005
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