2 definitions by Da kracka

Hey don’t get mad for what I say but newberry high school is full of sluts they know who they are and there is this one boy who is super cute ty ch so hot and his girlfriend and him are the perfect match for each other and I hope that they stay together forever and they ducklings hit that people drive there is crazy like gabes truck is the loudest for now but I got some shit coming in that gonna make mine louder I hope that all the ducking poeple in newberry see this shit
Newberry high school: full of hit boys and sluts
by Da kracka November 28, 2020
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I damn sure fucking crazy ass place don’t even get me started in the high school Dady money is bat shit crazy and the fact that B has fucked half of the school is horrible and Tyler is cute but fucking dumb af he has a new girl every week but the fact of the madder most girls in that school are hoes and his girl friend is cute but is definitely not the girl for Tyler and if you want a guys dick pic go to a group chat
Newberry- full of sluts like tyler
by Da kracka November 28, 2020
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