1 definition by D_evil94

(Referring to New York).

Long Island and New York City are most definitely the real New York and the New York people everywhere think about when they hear the name. From the beaches of The island to the bustling city streets where anyone can find gourmet diverse cuisines.

Upstate is considered anything north of the b”Bronx/Westchester county. The rest of the state is considered upstate to people from the real New York. And we only go up there to ride quads and enjoy the mountains. But we don’t for one second consider it anything more than upstate.
Dude, wanna come with us upstate this weekend?

Yo u wanna go upstate and rent a cabin and party for a week?

I sure am thankful I’m from the real New York and not bumfuck upstate
by D_evil94 December 30, 2021
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