2 definitions by DJ Bitterbarn

Crazy to a degree bordering on complete insanity. The state in which one makes decisions which make the exact opposite of sense.

See also: bat-shit
Why did Erin cheat on you with that greaseball?
- Because she's bat-shit crazy.
by DJ Bitterbarn August 12, 2004
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An Apple computer user who takes any opportunity to advertise to the world they are 'better' than everyone else because they use a mac, even if this statement has nothing to do with the current conversation.
User 1> Does anyone know why my P4 is having heat issues when I use (program)?
Mactard> HaHa Use a mac!! My mac is better than you're PC anyday! I am so cool because i have an iPod!
User 1> Anyone else? Anyone who isn't a mactard?
by DJ Bitterbarn July 5, 2005
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