The Skeleton King is a Champion Card for 4 elixir unlocked at Level 14 in the game Clash Royale. He a beefy card that doesnt deal as much damage but has a special ability... he can collect souls of your fallen troops and can summon up to 20 soul skeletons for 2 elixir. Also he a fun card if you know how to use him. And he's Larry's long lost uncle.
Brad: I gotta place the Skeleton King
Ben: *places skarmy
Brad: Yes! *summons 20 soul skeletons
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A wizard is midladder card in the game "Clash Royale" unlocked in arena 4 and that no skill midladder noobs use once they hit above 4600k. He is used mostly to spam considering no skill noobs spend money there dads credit cards instead trying to learn skill or possibly use an alternative card.
Person 1: A overleved Wizard (Clash Royale) come on man
Player 2: Im better because i spent money
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