7 definitions by DC10 dude

A ripoff of the 737 which is unreliable, ugly and inefficient.
Mark: Hey, you want to come to Florida?
John: Sure, what airline are we taking
Mark: United Airlines on an A320
John: I think I'll stay.
by DC10 dude November 4, 2014
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A form of racing where drivers play follow the leader for a few hours. I really don't understand how people enjoy watching this.
Formula 1 is popular in Europe.
by DC10 dude November 5, 2014
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A "Sport" in which hillbillies drive in circles for 4 hours until the hillbilly king Jeff Gordon wins the race.
NASCAR races on circle tracks.
by DC10 dude November 6, 2014
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Airbus' newest commercial product. The aircraft looks extremely similar to the B787 but is much uglier.
by DC10 dude November 4, 2014
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One of the dumbest and most dangerous sports created, most popular in America and Canada. Players generally weigh about 300-400 pounds and slam into each other for 3 hours. I am disappointed in my fellow Americans who actually like this garbage.
The New England Patriots won the American football championship.
by DC10 dude July 13, 2015
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A game where a bunch of grown men run around a field for 90 minutes. By the way it isn't a sport either, "running" at 5 mph does not show athleticism.
by DC10 dude November 5, 2014
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