64 definitions by Cunty Fresh Fanatic

dude 1: Ellen Page is so snorgtees chic. I get so hard from watching her.

dude 2: She's in her twenties.

dude 1: Twenties, ill. I'll stick to iCarly.
by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 7, 2010
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A form of adult baby-talk, meaning "you are silly." Used chiefly by females and homosexual or bi-curious males.
Me: Look at my definition for Geli.

chick: (reads it) You silly. Want a Geli.

Me: Fuck no. I'm not a pervert.

chick: Want a blumpkin, that's not really perverted anymore.

Me: What the fuck, why not? Where's the bathroom?
by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 8, 2010
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1. An unfortunate nickname for the Anthracite Coal Region, of Pennsylvania. 2. The man-made desert, left over from morn than a century and a half of unregulated surface mining in the Anthracite Coal Region.
1. Welcome to the Anthracite Desert. Hey why are you leaving, so fast?

2. The Anthracite Desert is lacking in wildlife. Al Qaeda prays for the region.
by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 18, 2010
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The areas outside of the metropolitan and suburban areas of Philadelphia in the east and Pittsburgh in the west. Inhabitants are stereotyped as intellectually inferior, conservative, heavily armed and god fearing.

Derived from the statement by Democratic strategist James Carville that "Pennsylvania is Philadelphia to the east and Pittsburgh to the west, and Alabama in between."
urbanite: I thought the blacks in Newark were scary, but I don't see assault rifles and shot guns decorating the rear windows of their rides. I'll fly next time, before I drive through Pennsylabama again.
by Cunty Fresh Fanatic October 26, 2010
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1. A water filled hole left over from surface mining, ranging in size from a large puddle, to the size of a lake. Used as illegal swimming holes, and to dump stolen cars into. 2. Any hole, dry or water filled, leftover from surface mining.

Derived from stripping pit and swimming hole.
1. Kids in the Anthracite Coal Region always swim, in the stripping holes west of the Poconos.

2. A stripping hole, doesn't always have to have water in it.
by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 18, 2010
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The act of having public sex anywhere in NYC, while a crazy homeless person watches.
This New Year's Eve, I plan on having one nutty new yorker before the ball drops. I rule!
by Cunty Fresh Fanatic November 8, 2010
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Any corporation, partnership, company et cetera, any poser claims to be part of. Usually to impress white trash females, but also as a pathetic attempt at gaining a higher social status.
poser: I plan on inventing a new deer hunting call. It'll bring in the big one's for sure.

Me: What does it do?

poser: It will mimic the sounds deers horns make when they fight over a doe. You see 'em all in hunting stores. I'll just make my own, and patent it.

Me: Deer have antlers, not horns. You have to be able to use engineering and legal terms. You don't even know how to change the oil on your motorcycle.

poser: I'll make millions, you'll see.

Me: Next time keep your bullshitness, to yourself needle dick!
by Cunty Fresh Fanatic May 31, 2011
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