3 definitions by CumeFume23

An amazing person, with the most insane diverse personality and skillset, this person is a talented genius!
Jack: You're such an Alois omg!
Jim: Really? Omg thank you so much! I've never been complimented like that in my life!
Jack: Yes!
by CumeFume23 December 4, 2020
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A 12 year old who acts younger than he already is, anyone with this name or title is smol brain and smol pp.
They try to hit on girls because they are heterosexual and horny asf, but fail miserably.
Person A: What's a killerage?
Person B: Don't even ask.
Person A: Yes!
by CumeFume23 December 4, 2020
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where cock
a: cock
b: yes!
a: killerage
b: yes!
by CumeFume23 December 4, 2020
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