4 definitions by CrunkMastaB

Breast that are quite large/massive. The kind that make guys stand still and say, "DAMN . . ."
Holy shit man, check out the pierogies on that chick!`
by CrunkMastaB December 27, 2005
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Extremely large breasts. The kind that make guys go "DAMN . . ."
Man, look at that chick's pierogis. They are bouncin!
by CrunkMastaB December 23, 2005
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Quite large breasts. The kind that make guys stand still and say, "DAMN . . ."
by CrunkMastaB December 23, 2005
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A "Ginormous" rack. However, not so big that it's kind of gross. Instead, the term applies to perfectly shaped/sized breasts.
"Wow lookin' at those galumpkes is making me hungry!"
by CrunkMastaB January 6, 2006
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