1 definition by CrispyBaconOW

So basically there is this game called Sea Of Thieves (Sot, keep in mind the three-letter trend). Within it, there is a place called the Fort Of Fortune (fof, again, three lettes). YOG stands for Yoshi Of Gog. Gog, which represents the G, is just a misspelling of the word "fog". Now, while fog has nothing to do with any of the aforementioned concepts, it is a common way to misspell 'dog'. Gog is included since Yoshi (the name of the dog, also representing the Y) is in fact a dog. The only thing that's left is the O, or 'of'. This is where the Fort Of Fortune (fof) becomes relevant. The 'Of' references the in-game location known colloquially as "fof". It is also worth noting that "yog" rhymes with and sounds similar to "dog", which adds emphasis to the meaning of the term.
Jr: Yog lar nem yog lar nem

Kristian: bruh kill yourself
by CrispyBaconOW October 6, 2022
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