2 definitions by Crispy D’Angelo

When you close all the windows and fart on purpose.
AJ Soprano: Ew somebody hotboxed us?!
by Crispy D’Angelo March 22, 2020
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1.) You run to the toilet, ready to take a wicked fat fucking shit. When you plop your ass onto the toilet you fart the demon right out of your stomach. This fart is always loud as fuck too, probably because of the echo. All of the sudden, you no longer have to drop that log.

2.) This time, you didn’t just rip major ass. You shit your brains out into the toilet. You wipe your coolio and look down at the paper to assess the damage. When you look down, the fucker is clean. Perhaps the most bewildering yet satisfying experiences ever known to man.

3.) You take a shit, usually comes out in one piece. When you stand up and look down at the bowl, the fucking toilet is empty. This occurs due to the force of your asshole, and the velocity at which the shit flies out of it.
(Runs to the toilet and sits down) (farts) holy tits, I no longer have to shit. must’ve been a ghost shit!!

(Takes a shit, wipes, sees it’s empty) what the fuck?? my asshole has never been this clean!? what an amazing feeling! I love ghost shits!

(Takes a shit, looks at the bowl and sees its empty) where in the fuck did that shit go?? was it a ghost shit?? did I even shit?? does this mean I don’t have to wipe??
by Crispy D’Angelo January 31, 2020
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