2 definitions by Cremaster

1. StuCo is the term for Student Congress in the world of high school forensics.
2. Seeing that Student Congress is the most lifeless and intellectually devoid form of discourse, StuCo is also a derogatory term for anything boring.
Noob Debater: "I am so excited that I wrote 37 speeches for StuCo."

Girl 1: "How was your night with Eddie?"
Girl 2: "Well...lets just say that a night with Eddie is so StuCo compared to a night with Rab."
by Cremaster April 4, 2007
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In forensics, it a person that can prove any claim with some obscure piece of evidence. Evidence hounds are characterized by spending countless hours on the internet amassing information and evidence on debate resolutions. Evidence hounds are especially found within the realm of Policy Debate.
Girl 1: "Wow, Rab just proved that Jesus was black. He must be an evidence hound."
Girl 2: "Yeah...I just creamed myself while listening to him spew out all that evidence."
by Cremaster April 4, 2007
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