1 definition by Crazy Lock

An awesome game requiring teamwork, fitness and copious amounts of hatred for your fellow humanity. Points are scored by touching the ball down past the opponent's goal line (called a try-worth 5 points), or kicking the ball through the H-shaped goal posts above the crossbar (a conversion or penalty kick, worth 2 and 3 points respectively) Demanding and lots of fun. Union, although slower than League, has less annoying stoppages, and more forwards which can only be a good thing (silly backs, always knocking on the ball and being unappreciative of the hard work we do to win it).
Joe McGeneric: So how was rugby this weekend?
Aggressive McProp: Great. I snapped several vertebrate of the opposition.
Joe: So you won?
Agressive: Nah. But who cares about points?
by Crazy Lock June 7, 2004
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