2 definitions by CrackerJacKings

1. Vigorously fellatio AKA Beej with many emphatic variations (thumb drive, vulcan dick pinch) but, the main factor is that they can be only tolerated for around 8 seconds, no more.

2. Actually getting head at, during, or around a legitimate rodeo event

3.Most impressively, getting oral while participating in a rodeo event (mechanical bull is also acceptable)
Why did you dump that bitch?
She was giving too much rodeo head
by CrackerJacKings November 15, 2007
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Working a hand job too hard with the thumb making direct contact with and collapsing the urethra. Imagine pressing out tooth paste with only your thumb on the underside of a penis with 100 stokes per minute, under the pressure of full grip.
My boy is getting surgery next week to fix the damage from that fat girl that gave him the thumb drive

AKA San Diego Stinger
by CrackerJacKings November 15, 2007
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