2 definitions by Crack addicted retard whore

When you're about to shit in your fuck buddies vagina, but you instead have diarrhea and spray all over her entire body, covering her in a cascade of warm, steamy scat.
Terry: Man I had a buttload of sushi last night, then I went home and gave my girlfriend a tremondous mud fountain.

David: Did you get it in her hair?

Terry: She looked like a bowl of warm melted chocolate ice cream.

David: Foul.
by Crack addicted retard whore October 17, 2008
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When you piss in your lovers mouth and then proceed squeeze out a chocolate doughnut and hold it between your ass cheeks. Then take your ass, position it over your lovers mouth and proceed to dunk your doughnut in her piss filled mouth.
Last night I dunked a bakers dozen of doughnuts in my wife's mouth. It was extremely satisfying.

My wife was open to the new idea of "dunking the doughnut".

by Crack addicted retard whore October 17, 2008
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