213 definitions by Covido

The spiritual vaccine or divine shield that protects believers from any fear of contracting Covid-19 and its variants, or from any phobia of experiencing severe side effects after being vaccinated against the coronavirus.
Merely reading or proclaiming Psalm 91 over someone’s life is no recipe or guarantee to combating Covid-19, unless they abide in Christ and He in them—faithful obedience is a sine qua non to receiving divine protection or healing against any plague or pandemic.
by Covido March 19, 2022
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When Buddhist-majority Sri Lanka insists that coronavirus victims should be cremated rather than buried, because burials could contaminate groundwater and spread the virus, triggering much anger among minority Muslims who want to bury their dead facing Mecca.
The WHO recommends both burials and cremations of corona victims as they carry zero risks of contamination or infection, but the Sri Lankan government wants to solve the Covid-🇱🇰 crisis their own way, with no regard for religious, political, or personal reasons.
by Covido January 8, 2021
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When the country with the world’s largest Muslim population initially claimed that they had zero cases of the coronavirus, thanks to Allah’s “favor and protection,” compared to their more developed neighbors—today, the divine intervention is on hold, as Indonesia’s infection and mortality rates put them among the worst nation in Asia in containing the pandemic crisis.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and Indonesia’s neighbors had doubts about the Covid-🇮🇩 claim, because they all deduced that their alleged zero infection or mortality rate is the result of their poor health system and inept political leadership, and not so much because of a special divine protection on the nation.
by Covido December 18, 2020
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Sputnik V for animals, which unprovenly generates antibodies in dogs, cats, foxes, and mink, by protecting them from Covid-19 for at least half a year, and prevents viral mutations from developing.
Just as Sputnik V was the world’s first registered half-baked Covid-19 vaccine for humans, Carnivak-Cov is the world’s first registered half-trialed Covid-19 vaccine for animals—a double first for Russia, as it pursues its vaccine diplomacy in the developing world.
by Covido May 26, 2021
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When Covid-19 quarantines and lockdowns stirred the hearts of tens of thousands of people worldwide to start writing letters to their long-lost friends, hoping that the one address they still have would somehow reach their recipients, as they reminisced the old good days of their friendship—when a pandemic refocuses their thoughts and priorities of what is really important in life.
Covid-19 has ironically brought about many good memories in millions of people, and one of them is to be infected with Covid-📝.
by Covido December 15, 2020
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When temperature checking is unreliable in detecting those who are infected with the coronavirus but have no symptoms, or in identifying those who have symptoms but show no fever.
What percentage of people who have active Covid-19 would remain undetected due to Covid-🌡 failure?
by Covido November 15, 2020
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A label given to a prisoner who has contracted the coronavirus, or died of it.
The authorities refused to reveal publicly the number of convict-19’s among the millions of inmates in US prisons, who are generally not given proper face masks and disinfectants to protect themselves.
by Covido November 28, 2020
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