3 definitions by Coriolus

The lowest of the low life. Lower than whale shit. The dregs of the dregs.
When Facebook lauched open registration every pond scum sucking, bottom-feeding, porn-addicted, low life perv started prowling member sites, looking for cheerleader babes to drool over.
by Coriolus September 4, 2008
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How a dyslexic tries to kill his brother.
Tom's jealous rage pushed him to the point of fartricide but none of the fart bombs he left for his brother Pete seemed to work.
by Coriolus August 19, 2008
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A backyard party where baked beans is one on the main dishes.
During the farty party I had last weekend my neighbor called the police and I was issued a citation for creating a public health hazard.
by Coriolus August 24, 2008
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