11 definitions by Coolio

The name of people, you don't wanna mess with.
That there is, George Roulston's house, don't mess with him!
by Coolio September 11, 2003
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The coolest guy ever he has sex every single day with countless women (hot women).
by Coolio November 10, 2004
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Danny Patton or any other sort of fat slob that irritates you beyond any other belief and smells really bad, kinda like fuck and dog shit all at the same time, plus dead man boobs and duck... that plus crap...
"Thanks for pushing me into the wall fatty, you stupid FattyMcShitFuck!
by Coolio January 17, 2004
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the act of wiping your ass due to a feeling of anal moistness most likely caused by a poor wipe job from a dump taken earlier in the day
"dude, if you're feeling itchy, I would do a check wipe before we tee off in this 95 degree heat..."
by Coolio January 11, 2005
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