4 definitions by Connor Y#8888

A really good kith, exchanged from one sexi to another. Used to express feelings, very similar to a mwah
Me give u a kithy withy before I leave
by Connor Y#8888 November 27, 2020
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A better version of a kiss, usually exchanged between two sexi people, similar to a mwah
I gib u a kith on da cheek
by Connor Y#8888 November 27, 2020
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From a distance, she may just seem like a rude Vietnamese person, but once you get to know her you will see that she is actually a very nice person and a good friend. You will never get bored when she is around. You can tell her anything, just don't expect a very intelligent reply. She is the kind of person who binge watches Minecraft, but has never actually played it.
If you're not friends with Melixrism then you're missing out
by Connor Y#8888 March 30, 2021
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A higher quality kiss, given from one sexi to another sexi in an expression of love, similar to a kith
Mwah, here’s a kith for you
by Connor Y#8888 November 27, 2020
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