4 definitions by Connor (creator of 15 minutes)

A holiday celebrated between locals of the northern Canadian region which is used to celebrate struggle and capability but also comedy and friendship. Celebrated at 2:15 Am on certain days. Created by Connor, Quinn, Orlando, justice, nolan, josh, Cordell and other members of the HSMC group.
Omg justice look at that!! We did it, it’s 15 minutes on Mohammed!!! Everyone spread the news
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A group of straight, based, alpha males who drive far superior Toyota trucks.
Holy shit Tom and Jim are yota boys? They must get a lot of hot women and money and they must be really smart and tough and genius!
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A commonly used slang term in the most northern corners of British Columbia, often used to compliment overly attractive men (typically hot, tall, bulky).
Lookout, word is coming, that hoser sure knows how to rumble my rocks
by Connor (creator of 15 minutes) December 26, 2022
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Someone with extensive knowledge, un beatable looks and can get out of slippery situations. The term was first coined through radio chatter by 2 Canadian soldiers after the ‘marewing’ kept getting away from justice
Hey Ian, I hit a marewing with .49 in the chest
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