1 definition by Confused by life

Humility \hu-mil-ity\

1) The art or state of being humbled.

2) To study 30 years to show your-self approved, when at the end of 30 years finding your-self knowledgeable with information to answer most of the questions that no one is looking for the answers to.

3) To offer your services to others for free, and have them turn and walk away.

4) To spend a life gaining the whole world, and at the end, giving everything gained to someone who didn’t work for it, and will most likely throw it all away.

5) To try to live a life of integrity, only to have it stolen from you in the end. And that, by someone who doesn’t have integrity.

6) To find out that the definition of humility probably came from the root word “futility.”
To find out that the definition of humility probably came from the root word “futility.”
by Confused by life February 3, 2010
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