1 definition by ColdGlassOfOrangeBantaPlease

Banter between friends mostly offensive shit but good bants is always clever over offensive.

Fire bants: Looks like banter clause has come early this year
Shit bants: your birds a slag

Shit bants be a basis for a fire bants and thus create a false sense of security for double bantage effect.

ShitBantsToFire: your birds a slag....... *Shows video of her letting a train thru*

You know if you have fire bants if the person getting bantsd does any of the following: an eye roll, a yawn, a snoring noise or a fake forced laugh etc.

If this is the case ask them if they are ok and can take the bants.
I'm the fuckin bant-am menace mate spent 4 years hard time in bantanamo bay.

He has good good bants to be fair.
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