1 definition by Cobb's the name.

Noun: Any one of a number of bovine mammals, such as the African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) or the American Bison / American Buffalo (Bison bison).

Buffalo can be plural as well as singular.

Verb: To intimidate, cow, or baffle.

Proper Noun (Place): There are many, many places called Buffalo. The most famous of these is Buffalo, New York, in the United States.

Note: It's a stretch, but the word could be taken as an adjective, as in:
"George Romero is totally buffalo."

Due to these many meanings, the example below is a grammatically correct, full sentence. If you consider the word an adjective, you'd be able to lengthen it.
Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
by Cobb's the name. June 14, 2011
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