2 definitions by Clinton Beaverpants

Another result of heavy drinking revealed in the form of loose stool and at times can even have the same aroma of what you had to drink the previous night. Combination of Booze and Poo...
After waking up in his Vegas hotel room, he went to the bathroom to drop a deuce. His pooze smelled so much like vodka redbull, it made him want to vomit...which he did.
by Clinton Beaverpants December 16, 2007
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Another result of heavy drinking revealed in the form of loose stool and at times can even have the same aroma of what you had to drink the previous night. Combination of Booze and Poo...
After waking up in his Vegas hotel room, he went to the bathroom to drop a deuce. His pooze smelled so much like vodka redbull, it made him want to vomit...which he did.

by Clinton Beaverpants January 25, 2008
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