2 definitions by Claybird121

N 1. An antiquated belief system or ideology that persists at the cost of more timely social movements and ideologies, with passionate supporters who discuss it at length but cannot agree upon what it actually is or means.

2. An undead belief system or ideology that maintains relevance and life by draining modern social movements and ideologies of their life.

3. An old idea that resides only in conversations of what it is. Not in communities or actions, but just in attempts to clarify itself.

From the latin word 'fant' – speaking / to speak
At a certain point I don't give a shit if Bernie Sanders is a socialist or not, the whole thing is just fantism anyway.

You can waste your time arguing with the Mises crowd what 'Capitalism' actually means, but you're just feeding the fantism.
by Claybird121 April 8, 2016
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n 1. An antiquated belief system or ideology that persists at the cost of more timely social movements and ideologies, with passionate supporters who discuss it at length but cannot agree upon what it actually is or means.

2. An undead belief system or ideology that maintains relevance by draining modern social movements and ideologies of their energy.

3. An old idea that resides only in conversations of what it is. Not in communities or actions, but just in attempts to clarify itself.

- From the latin word 'fant' - 'speaking'
Look, at a certain point i don't give a shit if Bernie Sanders is a socialist or not, the whole discussion is just a fantism.

Go ahead and waste your time arguing with the Mises crowd about what 'Capitalism' actually is, but you're just feeding the fantism.
by Claybird121 March 26, 2016
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