2 definitions by Civilian of

For some, a district-wide Pro-D Day is a welcome break from the normal daily drudgery of doing boring schoolwork. Hats are thrown in the air to celebrate this occasion, as children run into the streets to frolic amongst one another.

However, one is missing. This child is completing the next chapter's math assignments. He is double checking, triple checking, and then rewriting them in three different languages.

For the sake of anonymity, we will name this child Jacob - which in ancient Piemessessian (the language of Piemessess) means "he who has no life".

Truly, Pro-D Days are seen differently by all; just some a little more than others.
Jacob: "Oh damn, it's a Pro-D Day tomorrow. I won't be able to come in and ask the math teachers some questions on next year's midterm exam problems."
by Civilian of October 20, 2006
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This legendary beast is said to roam unseen in the populated halls of the fabled Piemessess. Few have beheld the sight of this creature and lived.

Accounts tell tales of a monster with the head of a pig, body of a dinosaur, arms of a shrew, legs of a grasshopper, and the mane of a horse no longer deserving to live.

Those who survived the sight of this beast and avoided permanent mental retardation after the encounter draw similarities between the beast and Medusa. Whereas the Medusa has a head of snakes for hair, the homosaurus rex has grown a thick death-black mane which commands his ego to brush it at every chance it has.

Truly, this beast is not to be trifled with. When the homosaurus rex notices your arrival, it will commence to attempt to shitkick you with his flexible legs. The monster has grown these strong appendages after long years of practicing on trees, rocks, and keat.

Upon sighting of this horror, shield your eyes. Avert them from the bonechilling sight of his deadly mane.
'Civilians' of Piemessess: "BEWARE! The homosaurus rex lurks yonder!"
Edward: "Rawr."
Keat: "My ass hurts from all the shitkicking."
by Civilian of October 18, 2006
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