1 definition by Chyronranfan22

Control is jump, CTRL is the only key meant to be used as jump in any video games. If you're a proper gamer, you A. Play PC and not console of course. B. Play with mouse and or keyboard, not those revolting controller things. And C. Have been doing it since PC games kind of started to kick off. Which is roughly the early 90s and if you've been playing since that time. You should know that CTRL IS JUMP. This is an important immutable factor of life. CTRL IS JUMP. If you've played Commander Keen, Secret Agents, Crystal Caves, Monster Bash, Duke Nukem, Jazz Jackrabbit, hell even Math Rescue or basically anything worth playing from around this time, you know that CTRL IS JUMP. Fact. And Unreal Tournament, which is arguably still the best arena shooter of all time, shows that this goes for fps games as well. Remember, Newton's fourth law of motion, CTRL IS JUMP.
Newton's fourth law of motion states that CTRL is jump. Crouch is C by the way.
by Chyronranfan22 March 11, 2021
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