2 definitions by Christina1337

Msn messenger is an instant messaging service. NOT a chatroom. You can talk to your friends online and your friends only, unless you add someone to your contacts list that you do not know. Its a service that allows you to talk to your friends for free. So parents stop being paranoid...it is NOT and I will repeat NOT a chatroom!
Mum: "I am not sure that I want you to go on this chatroom"
Kid: "It's not a chatroom its an instant messaging service"
Mum: "I'm not sure"
Kid: "Fine then, look i'll show you" *signs onto messenger*

Kid: Hiya Sarah
Sarah: Hiya
Kid: what are we talking on now?
Sarah: msn messenger....der!!
Kid: Is msn messenger a chatroom?
Sarah: No.. it's an instant messaging service.
Kid: Thank you

*Kid turns to Mum*
Kid: "See, I told you Mum, it's not a chatroom"

by Christina1337 October 1, 2005
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Lolofus is basically the extended version of the word "lol" meaning laugh out loud or just pronounced "lol" It can be used in exactly the same context as "lol"
What have you done?
I cut my foot off, lol/ofus
by Christina1337 August 8, 2005
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