3 definitions by Chramillson

Someone who was born & raised in Shadsworth (the biggest shithole there is).
These people are probably:
- Drug dealers
- Drug users
- Criminals
Emma - Hey have you heard the news?
Ben - Yeah, Chris lives in Shadsworth. I used to respect him, but now I hate him
Emma - Yeah, what a fucking shadbaby.
by Chramillson December 4, 2019
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Wonderwaffle is a person who is very defensive about Canadian culture, and will cut ties with you even if you make a joke about Canadians.
Person 1: I hate Canada!
Person 2: Wonderwaffle is going to get you!
by Chramillson December 11, 2017
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A corner shop is a phrase (commonly used in Great Britain) for a typical shop that fits these qualifications:
1) Is on a corner
2) Raises prices of items.
Person 1: Man, I want sweets!
Person 2: Well, you're going to have to get them from the local corner shop
by Chramillson December 11, 2017
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