1 definition by Chispitas

It's a chilean word, literally means "the vagina of your mother" but in spanish the meaning and the use can vary. The original word it's like a phrase: "concha de tu madre", but it is written that way because of its pronunciation.

You can use it (in an informal space, obviously) when you are surprised, exiting, scared or when you just want to offend someone. So the word can mean "Oh my god" or "motherfucker" depending of the context. Its use is daily in Chile and other countries of Latinoamérica, but the pronuntiation vary depending of the country.

"Conchetumare no te puedo creer"----> "Oh my god I can't believe it"
"Conchetumare que lindo"----> "Oh my god it's so cute!"
"Chúpalo conchetumare"----> "Suck it motherfucker"

Search in Youtube "Kirby conchetumare", "Piñera conchetumare te odio hueon" or "Vardoc conchetumare" for learn the pronuntiation :)
by Chispitas October 28, 2020
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