8 definitions by Ching chong lee

A short 4’11 black kid with dreads named “Darin”. He always goes on his phone during class when the teacher is talking about important shit. He Often need help from his teacher and his friends.
Kalief: When are you at going to fix your 3 F’s and 1 D-?

Nikshay: And those 34 Missing assignments?

Darin: Fuck you i’m doing it.

Kalief: I will believe it until I see it.

Darin: I will do it just wait and see.

Darin: I’m better than you bitches.

Darin: you guys are stuiped. Fuck you guys.

Kalief: stupid*

Nikshay: who TF are you talking to?
by Ching chong lee February 26, 2023
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A teammate who is dog shit at a game (specifically, fps shooter game like cs:go or call of duty) and lets the whole team down by having a negative k/d ratio or anything else, like getting nothing but deaths or getting killed on the final kill cam, or better yet, fucking body blocking you and preventing you from getting a kill and getting your ass and his retarded ass killed as well. A creammate (or creammates if your team is also being dog water) tend do tend to be the biggest bitches in the world, waiting for you to die to steal your weapons or kills, bitch at you when your team loses a game, or in general just a loser who works at a 9 to 5 dead end job and has high testosterone and limes to yell at people for having fun.

PS: try hard and no lifers work as well too!
*dies to camper*

Creammate: you’re so fucking bad at the game, how did you die to the camper!
Jerry: fuck you creammate, you died in the first fucking 5 seconds of the round to the guy who has 1 in 33. KYS Creammate!
Creammate: *leaves games*
by Ching chong lee July 18, 2023
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A bumologist is someone who is an expert in bumology.
Examples of bumologist: Imjaystation, Aldosworld Tv, Life of luxury, basically everyone one twitter who makes everything political or has to let them know that they are a certain thing or they support a certain thing and has to everyone know they support that certain thing or side.
by Ching chong lee June 13, 2023
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Has a leviathan axe and likes to chop trees.
When he’s mad he uses the spartan rage and beats up with the blades of chaos.
He’s most likely retarded and is very very strict and racist as fuck against Arabs and Asians.

PSA: is most likely inbred.
Muhammad: Hey can we come to your house on Saturday Hasseb?

Xi Lee: Yeah I’ll bring sparkling water and a share size bag of skittles for the three of us.

Hasseb: Yeah sure


Hasseb: sorry guys but My dad said no because it’s going to rain but it says on the forecast that it is a 10% chance that it will rain so then he said that we have to go somewhere at 12 but it is fucking 2pm and we haven’t gone anywhere.

Muhammad: bruh, bitch ass is such a Kratos Dad.

Xi Lee: Such an inbred bitch

Hasseb: Fr

Hasseb: Also my dad says he’s inviting guests over.

Muhammad: Such a retard, I swear
by Ching chong lee February 27, 2023
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Nikshay Is a real homie and will protect his friends (or anyone that isn’t a bitch) from retard cunts who thinks they’re tough.
by Ching chong lee March 8, 2023
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A kid who likes to lie to his friends and is often ignorant about everything and will take things out of context just to make you look bad. Darin likes to talk to himself and go on his phone a lot. Darin laughs at unfunny memes that usually don’t even make any sense and likes to call people unfunny when people don’t laugh at it. Darin is also a hypocrite. He said that he do his work and make sure not to blow it, however it is almost summer and he has 36 missing assignments. How the hell to you screw up this badly. This is disappointing and yet he wants a gaming computer… Darin can’t do his work because he is on his phone, to him laughing at nothing, or just sitting there watching what other people are doing and not taking notes on what others are doing. He sits there and does nothing and when you tell him to do his work, he gives a annoying ass smug smile and laughs about you telling to do his work and he will say that he will do it, however when he gives an excuse about not coming to school, he acts all serious and has to clarify “its not an excuse” to try to make his excuses as an actual reason and not and excuse. Darin is a 4’11 black kid with dreads, to put it simply thinks of mozzy but he acts like drake and is also a bitch and likes to dick ride. Also he says that he’s 5’4 but I have a short teacher who is actually 5’4 and nearly the same height as me(two feet off from being the same height).
Kalief: have you done your work Drake.
Darin: yes I have
Nikshay: then pull up them Aries

Darin: no
Kalief: so you didn’t do it
Darin: ok fine *shows grades on Aries*
Nikshay: damn 36 missing assignments bro
Kalief: you are one hypocritical douche

Yellow man: the fuck is happening?
Nikshay: pressing this caping as bitch
Darin: I’m not caping I’m telling the truth
Yellow man: then show them grades darin!
Kalief: *shows Darin’s grades
Yellow man: 1 c-,2 F’s,1 d and 36 missing assignments?
Darin: idk I’m not good at the work
Nikshay: that doesn’t mean you can just skip out on the work drake.
Darin: fuck you guys I’m better than you
Kalief: if you were better than how about you get all A’s like me bitch ass.
Darin: fuck you im going to hang around in my discord group chat. *walks away
Yellow man: what a caping ass hypocrite
Nikshay: he can’t do work for shit, but yet he likes to scroll in his discord all the time and spend time on his phone for the whole entire school.
Kalief: drake will be drake, a literally hypocritical bitch.
by Ching chong lee May 7, 2023
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A man that is built like Barney the dinosaur and is Mexican. He is a cool dude that shitposts. However he is now trying to turn baseball into his life, which is sad.
Skill issue Joncarlo.
by Ching chong lee March 1, 2023
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