4 definitions by Chifutakushi

1. A species of Lorax which instead of being an advocate for trees, is an advocate for cleaning products.

2. A neat freak.
"You mop the floors like every week, stop being such a Clorax."
by Chifutakushi February 12, 2020
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When you set the lock screen on your school computer to chocolate milk but the person who uses the computer in the period after you sets it to regular milk.
"I didn't want it to have to come to this, but your heinous acts have left me no choice. What you have presented me is a Declaration of War."
by Chifutakushi February 12, 2020
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Used to define the act of a Sprint user that sprints naked through a sprinkler covered in sprinkles.
"Bro did you see that? My man just straight up Sprinkt!"
by Chifutakushi February 12, 2020
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Someone who is terrible at what they do yet still is somehow incredibly successful in what they do.
"For the past week, Ted has been serving nothing but raw meat to the customers. He's been promoted to CEO. What a Shoomer."
by Chifutakushi February 12, 2020
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