4 definitions by Chicago Mj

Adjective: something that is naughty, provocative, and sometimes sinful

Verb: (slime) to make something more lively
Adjective: " I ain't going to any of those slimy clubs"

Verb: "haha lets slime this party!"
by Chicago Mj June 6, 2015
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To go into a squatting position resembling the one Nicki minaj pulled on her anaconda cover.
I had to pull a minaj in order to pick up my pencil

"I think she pulled that minaj on purpose!"

"You never want to see a guy pulla' minaj out here!"
by Chicago Mj May 19, 2015
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Extra money you have to spend to fix, replace, upgrade etc. because of a pet's destructive teeth
Teeth tax is commonly needed when owners have a dog that rips up its toys and you have to get the kind of toys that aren't easily destroyed, the extra money needed for these "high quality" toys, is Teeth tax

Another reason you'd need to pay teeth tax is when a pet chews up a personal belonging and it needs to be replaced
"Dang it! My ferret chewed up his hammock last night, and I'm not in the mood to pay teeth tax to get a new one!"
by Chicago Mj June 21, 2015
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Those aggressive moms you find at McDonald's that are always bossing their kids around
by Chicago Mj July 8, 2016
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