2 definitions by Cheerie fanatic

The theory that members of the Cheerie clan hatch from eggs rather than parturition. While some members embrace this theory while some do not. People who oppose the Cheerie theory are called Cheerie theory deniers (CTD).
Oh really man? You heard of the Cheerie theory? I am a full supporter of the Cheerie theory. Cheerie theory deniers am I right?
by Cheerie fanatic April 26, 2023
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Truly a unique creature. Commonly found near a PC or Nintendo switch. Their diet consists of chicken nuggies and poutine. For a creature that claims to be funny, humanity has never witnessed a joke. The Cheerie and the Cheerie theory has been increasingly studied since the renaissance.
The Cheerie said "oh my godddd Carlooooo"
by Cheerie fanatic May 20, 2023
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