2 definitions by Chechemakasla

Brought on by either visual or verbal stimulus a sexual undertone is a gesture that can be taken as casual but also sexual or can be something that you say that could be applicable to sex but isn't openly talked about as so.
Biting lip, flipping hair, rubbing ones elbows,fiddling with your ears, deep eye gazing,scratching around corner of the jaw,scratches nipple? Or sayings that apply to moments that are intimently significant that may seem innocent but have sexual implications# sexual undertones
by Chechemakasla March 6, 2018
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Implied either visually or verbally the sexual undertone is an unspoken sexual tension brought on by the use of words that would cause arousal for both parties without completely obvious sexual connotation
Wow that parking spot is very "tight" I font ever think I'll be able to fit in there#sexual undertone
by Chechemakasla March 6, 2018
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