2 definitions by Chbud

This is a rare breed of human, who are born in Bourne. This person then proceeds to grow up in Bourne and may frequently talk about leaving Bourne. Despite this the sad reality is that even those who may monetarily leave Bourne, the vast majority will return to the hole in which they grew up and proceed to live the rest of their boring and sad lives (in Bourne).
Look at those Bournites outside subway!
by Chbud November 15, 2020
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A person who is born in Bourne, will grow up in Bourne and may momentarily leave Bourne from time to time. However one common characteristic of all Bournites is that they all come back to Bourne were they will spend the rest of their sad and boring lives.
Look at all those Bournites hanging out near subway
by Chbud November 15, 2020
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