2 definitions by Chapter 1: Knowledge Of Self

Definition 1: To make someone very irritated or angry.

Definition 2: A sexual invitation to inform ones partner that they are crazy for them. That they want to feel crazy for them.

Other definitions : partner , love , sex , crazy , angry , feel , irritated , invitation , one
Definition 1: "You are driving me up the wall! Stop it!"

Definition 2: "Oh love, you're driving me up the wall!"

: " Please, please, drive me up the wall!"
by Chapter 1: Knowledge Of Self October 6, 2015
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Definition 1: To make someone very irritated or angry.

Definition 2: A sexual invitation to inform ones partner that they are crazy for them. That they want to feel crazy for them.

Other definitions : partner , love , sex , crazy , angry , feel , irritated , invitation , one
Definition 1: "You are driving me up the wall! Stop it!"

Definition 2: "Oh love, you're driving me up the wall!"

: " Please, please, drive me up the wall!"
by Chapter 1: Knowledge Of Self October 6, 2015
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