1 definition by Chaoticallyinlove

How to define Kevyn with the limitations of the English language? Are there even words to begin to define such a man?

Kevyn is a protector first, a champion for the underdog. He will make his opinion clear and loud at his perceived unjust situation. The bravest gentleman to ever grace this planet. To good for this cruel world. Pure of heart and the biggest romantic. He possesses a giant heart capable of forever changing a persons view on love. But in the the same breath can turn ice cold, shutting out anyone with ill intention. Emotions are a switch that can be flipped at will for him. Sadness can envelope him at times. A dark cloud can get him in a slump but he is strong. Outlasting the evils that try to over come home. He is quick witted and wise beyond his years. Listen closely if he starts to dole out some wisdom more times than not he is never wrong. Kevyns intuition is scary accurate at times. A gut feeling for him is a message to heed. Unbearably attractive at times he can make any heart melt with just a smile. If you manage to lock his heart down, take gentle care of it. He has known betrayal and heartache. But lucky you if he gives his heart to you be greatful a man like Kevyn has chosen you, you will never find anyone like him.
I am so lucky to call Kevyn mine.
by Chaoticallyinlove April 10, 2022
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