1 definition by ChanceNyeTheSciencePianoMagicC

That one friend at the bottom of the leaderboard… the anchor… the ROCK for that squad. The person that someone can yell at. That person to take all the blame. Danimal, you at the bottom of the leaderboard with the 2 kills and 100 damage you are the ROCK. You are the foundation of that team. And you where that shit. Like a warrior. A Danimal also doesn’t catch onto social queues, has tunnel vision, and is very money driven. A Danimal is that guy you can rely on to be a distraction. The decoy. The mirage. A DMAUL, is reliable… because he’s predictable.
You died to fall damage… again? You’re such a Danimal…

Bro you got bottom of the leaderboard again? Okay, Danimal.
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