1 definition by Chaka-chaka

A Carlton is defined by his extreme generosity and ability to put his friends before himself. The invisible force of positiveness in every scenario imaginable.

A Carlton is an alter form of the word chauffeur. He usually provides premium class driving service to friends, with an intention to charge an expensive price but never succeeds.

Carlton can be annoying and destructive in imposing his philosopy on everything, mainly because they are truthful and helpful. Carlton spends time contemplating about life.

In a nutshell, Carlton would be better off offering himself the service he offers to the people around him.
Scenario A: A and B both have assignments on due within 3 hours. B asked A for help. A spend 2.5 hours writing B's assignment and rushed his own in half an hour.

A: Here is your assignment.
B: Thank you for being such a Carlton! I love you!

Scenario B:
Best person alive! WIN!

Scenario C:
Carlton stop telling to quit drugs!

by Chaka-chaka April 25, 2009
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